OK. so perhpas running a strenuous 10K followed by replacing my roof, going kayaking then running a 1/2 marathon in a 2 week time period was a bit much. Maybe I didn't notice I was feeling the greatest because all of my family was here to visit so I thought I was just tired. They obviously provided a great distraction, because I didn't even realize I was sick before the half marathon yesterday.
After the half I didn't feel so great, but actually I felt a lot better than I did last year, it was until the evening that my body succombed and said I had abused it enough. I thought a good nights sleep and getting some fluids in me would fix everything. Apparently not...I could bearly get out of bed this morning, still thinking that the nausea and headache and overall body pains were from dehydration and being poorly prepared for the run I pushed through today, I had my sons and Bob give me a blesing before they left for the airport.
I was actually waking up a little to think clearer by the time Bob got back from the airport, I got a little fluids in, and asked me if I wanted him to take me to the hospital. I declined initially, but then after talking with my dad, and him warning be how careful I should be after running to take care of myself (he had a friend develop serious problems after running) I decided I just felt a lot lousier than I should be feeling a day out from the race.
Guess what, when you tell the people you have chest pain when you breath you get triaged and taken to a room really quickly. They were talking rhabdo and renal failure and I was thinking oh crap, what have I done? But after a liter of fluid my urine looked pretty dang good and all of my labs were good, except my white blood cell count was elevated so the doctor decided to do the chest X-ray that he had talked about initiallly. Turns out I have walking pneumonia, although in my case that would be running pneumonia, he couldn't believe I ran a half marathon with pneumonia, no wonder I felt like dirt! After a liter of fluid and antibiotics I would like to say I am feeling a lot better, but I am not really, my chest hurts like crazy, but I am no longer nauseated or dizzy. I am to follow up with my regular doctor tomorrow.
Never before would I have been glad to hear a diagnosis of pneomonia. Know why I am glad this time? cause it means I am not just and out of shape old lady that didn't prepare well enough, I am someone stupid enought to not recognize I had pneumonia and run a half marathon with it, as a nurse that is just embarassing. I have to admit, I wanted to run that race with my kids so badly I probably would have tried to run it even if I had known.
Other than the pneumonia thing this has been a great week, I had a great visit with my kids, got a lot accomplished and I finished my BSN!!!! YEAH!!!
I think I have realized that when I don't want to face the truth I just don't think about the facts of the situation, so the question
"what was I thinking" can easily answered by saying "I was seriously trying not to think, because I didn't like the answers I got when I thought"
Hope everyone had a great week! I miss my family, but it is definately time for me to rest