My awkward and awesome today is a good illustration of it's all how you look at a situation. When I look at it through a negative filter it seems awkward, when I change to the positive filter the same experiences are awesome! Good reminder for me to keep that positive filter in place.
Enjoying a nice conversation with my boss then walking out and realizing one of the other people from management was standing outside the door waiting, and I am sure listening. Thankfully I wasn't saying anything negative, but awkward nonetheless.
Orienting to a new area, even things I know how to do seem unfamiliar and I question and second guess every decision I make. The old "see one, do one" theory is a little scary sometimes. Of course she was there to back me up, but still awkward.
Trying to get used to monovision contacts (right side for far away and left for up close). My depth perception is off a little, and I feel like I have something in my left eye...oh wait...I do, it's a contact lense. My brain feels like it is fighting to try and determine which image it is going to accept, the right one or the left one.
Having a boss that will sit and talk with you, even though there is another manager lurking outside the door waiting for her.
Having nice and supportive people orienting me to the new unit, it helps me stop second guessing myself and looking at what I did wrong, and helps me see what I did right, which allows me to enjoy what I am doing.
Realizing that I have contact lenses in my drawer that I tried to start wearing a while back while I was in school, but stopped because I war reading too much and there was not enough time for me to adjust to them. Now that I am not in school I can wear my contact lenses! For me that is awesome. Like finding money in the couch.
Sunshine today, always, always, awesome no matter what filter I am looking through. Today that positive filter will be on behind my sunglasses:)