This is going to be a week of new experiences. Tomorrow I start orienting in PACU1, (aka the recovery room). I have every confidence that I can do the job, I am just very scared I will find it is even more stressful to work in PACU1 than it is to work on the floor right now. With all the cuts and changes going on I want to learn as much as possible so I can work in as many areas as possible, this leaves me with more opportunities if for some reason my position was one of the ones eliminated, not likely, but it would be stupid of me not to even prepare for the possibility and instead run around like chicken little yelling the sky is falling.
I have been enjoying my time on the floor, it's odd, while everyone else is running around saying the sky is falling because of the changes in the matrix I feel totally at ease with it. I have worked under those circumstances before and it is more difficult, but every bit as doable. But it does involve a shift in priorities. The luxury of simply visiting with your patients and their family doesn't happen nearly as much. I guess the reason I am not stressing about it is that I know that it is not something I can change, no matter how much I object, fight or disagree with. yes it's not as safe, there will be more falls and patient satisfaction scores will most likely go down, but I am one person and all I can do is the best I can in the circumstance I find myself in. I am very sure the powers that be have considered the ramifications of their actions, they are smart people, and if this is what has to happen, it has to happen, despite the consequences. This IS what nursing is in 2011. Those that can't keep up are going to have to get out and make way for those that are willing to dig in and do the job. Our efforts would be more effective if we focused them on finding things we CAN do to make this work, be part of the solution not the problem. My husband teases me that I can be a little bit of a control freak at times, I have determined that the only thing truly in my control at work these days is my attitude, and I want to keep it as positive as possible, even if it drives others nuts.
Some people look at my behaviour as brown nosing, or being a pollyanna, but that's not my intent at all. My intent is to help make my workplace as happy as possible for all concerned so we all enjoy being there and we can work together as a team. Is that realistic?
OH YEAH! another new experience, I made indian food for the first time this week, ever, I hadn't even tasted it until about 6 months ago. it turned out awesome, if anyone wants a recipe for chicken curry just let me know! If I smell funny this week it is because of the curry oozing out of my pores, I hear it sticks around for a while.