OK, so huge media hype on these people, people we have never met and thanks the media circus it seems milliions of people had decided that she was guillty and are now devastated. The newscaster was crying and so choked up she could hardly speak when she was reading the verdict. Since when did we start trying people in the media? Seems to me that the Jurors saw all the evidence and would have the most information to make that decision. I don't know if she is guilty or not, and quite frankly I don't really care. If she is guilty she will be punished for the rest of her life by all the people that convicted her themselves while watching the trial. This woman will never again have a normal live, in jail or out. If she is not guilty this woman has been put through hell after loosing her daughter because she freaked out and hid what happened. Really stupid thing to do, but hey, people do really stupid things unders stress some times. Don't get me wrong, losing a beautiful little girl under questionable circumstances has to be devastating, noone even knew who she was, or met her, so why are they crying in the streets and calling for vengeance like it was their onw kid? There are so many better things to focus on right now. Like letting the family move forward after a tragedy. They have a lot of healing to do.
I return to work tomorrow, 4 hours in day surgery followed by a meeting. I figured it was a great way to start off my return to work. I hope it all goes OK and I will be well enough to return to full shifts by this weekend. The unit closed over the weekend, so me being off sick didin't have much of an impact, thank goodness. I only hope my sick pay was used so I get some semblence of a paycheclk. I have officially started my job search now that I have my BSN, not sure w here I am going, but I do know it's time for some new scenery, and challenges , hopefully closer to home. Love the people I work with, but I want to move forward too. If you know of any great nursing jobs for a nurse with 15 years experience, an RN, BSN and BC med surg nurse with many years as charge nurse let me know so I can check it out. Thanks!