It was so beautiful when I got up this morning and I was feeling pretty good, so I thought today would be a good day to start running again. The doctor had said 2 weeks, and I am only a few days short of that...should be fine. After all, I took a brisk 3 mile walk day before yesterday and didn't even break a sweat or have any troubles breathing, how much harder could running be?
I got dressed in my running clothes and got out the door, that is half the battle for me when it comes to running, getting started...usually. I stretched and took off and I made it about 100 feet before I started feeling pretty tired, so I walked a bit, feeling tired is not generally a reason for me to walk but I didn't want to overdo it.
I took off again and I was feeling pretty good, so I went a little farther this time, maybe 200 feet. Oh man, at this rate it was going to take me forever, no more stopping and walking for tired! I stretched a little and took off again, this time I actually made it almost 1/2 mile before I realized it was really hurting to breath. Guess I should probably stop for that. I am after all recovering from pneumonia, that's expected, I need to be cautious. After a little walk I realized I could go about a 1/4 of a mile before I had to stop to get my breathing under control again, it was actually what I was expecting for this first trip out, so I could deal with it.
One and 1/4 miles in I realized my legs felt like noodles, not limp ones, the al dente kind, but I didn't think I should push it. So now I was stopping to walk when it hurt to breath, and when my legs felt limp. I told myself "No problem, I will still finish this run".
With about 3/4 miles left to go I realized my lips were tingling...not a good thing, guess I should walk for that too. While I was walking I decided I should try some yoga breathing, inhale for four counts 1-2-3-4 hold for 4 counts 1-2-3-4 and exhale for 8 counts 1-2-3-4-5-6- oops lets try again in for 4, hold for 4 out for 1-2-3-4-5-6.. guess I'm not getting to 8, but my lips aren't tingling anymore, so let's run! So now I am only running when my lungs don't hurt, my legs aren't noodling and my lips aren't tingling.
I decided with about 1/8 mile left I should just do a cool down walk the rest of the way home. It took me about twice as long as I thought it would, but I made it. I have triumphed over my return to running and my next run will be even better.
Runs like this make me appreciate what a blessing it is to be healthy, so often and in so many ways we don't realize what we have until we don't have it. I am so thankful that I am healthy enough to run again, no matter what happens or how much I have to walk, it is a blessing to me. Sometimes the only reason I run is because I know there are so many people that would run if they could, and I can, so I do.
PS-my run was 2.5 miles today