About Me

Spanish fork, Utah
I've been married for 29 years. I have 5 children, 4 boys and a girl. My oldest is married with 4 sons. My daughter is also married. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, a runner, a nurse, a student and a friend. I am currently working on my Master's degree in Nursing Education through Western Governors University.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

It's a little late in the evening, but I still have a few minutes to sneak in an awkward and awesome Thursday.

Learning that 300-350 people will be laid off by multicare by October.  Not too scared about my position, but it has led to a lot of conversations about whose positions should be eliminated.

My time card is awkward, with me being sick, time off for FMLA, more sick time,low census time, meeting time and time spent in daysurgery I feel bad that my manager has to figure it out.  I didn't really want to face her this morning knowing how messed up it was.

Explaining to people that I am not completely well yet when I look just fine (I just get exhausted and a  headache really quickly)... I am sure they are thinking   "she looks fine...faker"

Forgetting that I was supposed to call and make visiting teaching appointments and getting a call wondering where I was, then showing up on someones doorstep unannounced with cookies.  Thankfully they were kind and let us in.  Sister Warren was nice and tried to play like it was her fault, but there was no miscommunicatoin, I just screwed up.  Sorry!

One more awkward,  a told me they wanted someone really good to start their IV, I am good, but not really good, but I stretched the truth and told them I had been nursing for years (which I have, but not doing IV's the whole time).  Because quite frankly it was my responsiblity to place the IV in that person and the only way I am going to get better is practice.   I missed the first time and  had to try a second time, but I did get it.  I didn't want to look the patient in the eye after I missed I felt so bad. 

On to the AWESOME!!!!
I was cross trained to daysurgery a while back so now, when all of us are getting low censused on my unit I can just go down to daysurgery and work.  It's awesome, I still have a lot to learn, but I am very grateful for the opportunity and that I have patient people working with me.

Hearing my dad's CEA and CA-19 levels have dropped a bunch since he started chemo, that's a great sign, there is a glimmer of hope.

The sunshine we had was awesome, I hope it comes back soon!

The new who wants to be a millionare game, I am hooked, I might even buy episodes I like it so much, check it out if you are on facebook.

Hope you all have an awesome week with out too many awkward times!

Motivational quote

"To hate is easy, to love is courageous"