About Me

Spanish fork, Utah
I've been married for 29 years. I have 5 children, 4 boys and a girl. My oldest is married with 4 sons. My daughter is also married. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, a runner, a nurse, a student and a friend. I am currently working on my Master's degree in Nursing Education through Western Governors University.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

Being able to run 2 1/2 miles again after more than a month off for pneumonia without pain or feeling like I couldn't breath and it felt beyond awesome.  I was a little worried that I was going to have to switch back to just being a walker, but nope, I am definetely a runner, not a very fast one right now, but a runner nonetheless.

Finding out that the cancer markers in my dad's blood are continuing to drop, giving rise to hope that he will beat this previously and supposedly unbeatable cancer.

Playing who wants to be a millionaire online with Bob and actually getting the million, too bad it's not real money. 

I interacted with some awesome doctors this week, one of them being Dr Kang, my dads oncologist, he is quite possibly the most caring doctor I have ever met. and 2nd Dr Dierwechter at work, for respecting me enough to take a few minutes out of  her very busy schedule to double check one of her collegues patients and put my mind at ease.  I knew it was probably nothing, but needed to hear it, and she was willing to do that, to me that shows respect and that's awesome.

Going to a new convert baptism, the pure joy is fun to share and the spirit is incredible.  If you haven't been to one you should try it.  You can check out LDS.org or contact your local missionaries or leaders to find out when the next one is.  It's a really feel good type of thing.


Lay offs at work, everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop to see what is going to happen.  I have heard that in other areas of the nation hospitals are finding ways to target the most experienced nurses for layoffs because they can replace them with a new nurse that makes half as much.  With 16 years of experience that makes me nervous, but my boss assures me I am ok...as far as she knows.  Right now I am just grateful to have a job.  I will be grateful when we get through this time.  Everyone is walking around wondering who will stay and who will go.  Makes the stress level high. 

Running on the Chehalis Western trail and realizing by the funny looks on people faces that I was accidently singing out loud with my IPOD, and everyone knows how awful you sound when you can't  hear yourself sing.   Oh well, it gave a few people a good laugh. 

Motivational quote

"To hate is easy, to love is courageous"